Monday, May 4, 2009

The Adventures of the little fashion stylist, on a quest to find the perfect red lipstick...

Once upon a time, there was a little fashion stylist who went off in search of the perfect red lipstick. She knew that given her skin tone, a pure red would not look good, and so decided that a red with a purple undertone would suit her best.

What started out as an expedition into the fabulous yet mysterious world of the red lipstick, soon turned into an utter nightmare.

Why you ask?

Well the hue was easy enough to find, but the evil twins behind the counter had run out of that particular line's stock. Then the mean witch to the north enticed the little fashion stylist to her store, only to find that yes, she too had the hue, but also did not bother to carry more than just the tester.

The little fashion stylist was now stumped: "take the bloody hue's tester off your shelf!" she cried and fell in a heap on the floor.

2 days later however, the kind girl from a magical land called RIMMEL decided to take pity on the poor little fashion stylist and from her black hat produced a sparkling new perfect red lipstick. "Number 400 - Berry Queen". Ahh yes, the world was right again.

The End.

"Such drama and intrigue - I love the way it represents the true difficulty in finding the perfect red lipstick" - The Daily Globe

"She is so honest - it's been a harrowing ordeal but she won the day!" - The Daily Telegraph

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